i was at school and talking with a friend and a teacher and then my grandma texted me saying she is here to pick me up so i respond and say ok i need to get my bags forms bliss (a building where history and languege classes meet, i domt leave my bags there) and so when i’m walking there with my friend and teacher when we hear shots. we were still walking from one building to bliss so we were outside on the field walking. for some reason there is a tire in front of us. after i hear the shots i freeze and then i wonder if i could make it to my grandmas car, but i freeze for to long and it’s to late. my teacher, my friend, and i hide behind the hide and i close my eyes. we hear a loud male voice yell to the people outside with us to stand up. we stand up and i cover my eyes with my hands and peek through to see who the shooter is. it’s my old PE teacher from 8th grade who works at the highscjool now. i close my eyes again and hear gunshots saying he is shooting anyone not wearing jeans. i was wearing sweatpants but for some reason i didn’t get shot to the best of my knowledge because soon after that i woke up
This dream may represent your anxieties and fears about violence occurring in places where you feel safe and comfortable, such as school. The presence of your grandmother in the dream might be a symbol of safety and security, but her arrival is interrupted by the sound of gunshots, which shatters your sense of well-being. The tire and hiding behind it could represent your need to take cover and protect yourself from danger. Seeing your old PE teacher as the perpetrator in your dream might indicate that you are still processing and working through issues related to your past experiences with authority figures. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your current concerns about your own safety and the safety of those around you in real life.